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Removed most mixpanel configs

James Peret 2 years ago
1 changed files with 0 additions and 81 deletions
  1. 0 81

+ 0 - 81

@@ -4,88 +4,7 @@
         mixpanel.init("<%- config.mixpanel_token %>");
-            // HTTP method for tracking requests
-            api_method: 'POST',
-            // transport for sending requests ('XHR' or 'sendBeacon')
-            // NB: sendBeacon should only be used for scenarios such as
-            // page unload where a &quot;best-effort&quot; attempt to send is
-            // acceptable; the sendBeacon API does not support callbacks
-            // or any way to know the result of the request. Mixpanel
-            // tracking via sendBeacon will not support any event-
-            // batching or retry mechanisms.
-            api_transport: 'XHR',
-            // turn on request-batching/queueing/retry
-            batch_requests: false,
-            // maximum number of events/updates to send in a single
-            // network request
-            batch_size: 50,
-            // milliseconds to wait between sending batch requests
-            batch_flush_interval_ms: 5000,
-            // milliseconds to wait for network responses to batch requests
-            // before they are considered timed-out and retried
-            batch_request_timeout_ms: 90000,
-            // override value for cookie domain, only useful for ensuring
-            // correct cross-subdomain cookies on unusual domains like
-            //; NB this cannot be used to
-            // set cookies on a different domain than the current origin
-            cookie_domain: '',
-            // super properties cookie expiration (in days)
-            cookie_expiration: 365,
-            // if true, cookie will be set with SameSite=None; Secure
-            // this is only useful in special situations, like embedded
-            // 3rd-party iframes that set up a Mixpanel instance
-            cross_site_cookie: secure,
-            // super properties span subdomains
-            cross_subdomain_cookie: true,
-            // debug mode
             debug: true,
-            // if this is true, the mixpanel cookie or localStorage entry
-            // will be deleted, and no user persistence will take place
-            disable_persistence: false,
-            // if this is true, Mixpanel will automatically determine
-            // City, Region and Country data using the IP address of
-            //the client
-            ip: true,
-            // opt users out of tracking by this Mixpanel instance by default
-            opt_out_tracking_by_default: false,
-            // opt users out of browser data storage by this Mixpanel instance by default
-            opt_out_persistence_by_default: false,
-            // persistence mechanism used by opt-in/opt-out methods - cookie
-            // or localStorage - falls back to cookie if localStorage is unavailable
-            opt_out_tracking_persistence_type: 'localStorage',
-            // customize the name of cookie/localStorage set by opt-in/opt-out methods
-            opt_out_tracking_cookie_prefix: null,
-            // type of persistent store for super properties (cookie/
-            // localStorage) if set to 'localStorage', any existing
-            // mixpanel cookie value with the same persistence_name
-            // will be transferred to localStorage and deleted
-            persistence: 'cookie',
-            // name for super properties persistent store
-            persistence_name: '',
-            // names of properties/superproperties which should never
-            // be sent with track() calls
-            property_blacklist: [],
-            // if this is true, mixpanel cookies will be marked as
-            // secure, meaning they will only be transmitted over https
-            secure_cookie: true,
-            // the amount of time track_links will
-            // wait for Mixpanel's servers to respond
-            track_links_timeout: 300,
-            // if you set upgrade to be true, the library will check for
-            // a cookie from our old js library and import super
-            // properties from it, then the old cookie is deleted
-            // The upgrade config option only works in the initialization,
-            // so make sure you set it when you create the library.
-            upgrade: false,
-            // extra HTTP request headers to set for each API request, in
-            // the format {'Header-Name': value}
-            xhr_headers: {},
-            // protocol for fetching in-app message resources, e.g.
-            // 'https://' or 'http://'; defaults to '//' (which defers to the
-            // current page's protocol)
-            inapp_protocol: '//',
-            // whether to open in-app message link in new tab/window
-            inapp_link_new_window: false,
             // whether to ignore or respect the web browser's Do Not Track setting
             ignore_dnt: true