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My name is James Peret, and I'm a designer, programmer and filmmaker from from São Paulo, Brazil.

I live in a remote place near the big city and I like to spend my time creating things. In the past few years I have been working with programming systems using node.js and designing games with Unity3d.

During the last 20 years I have worked in many different types of projects. I have worked with video editing, filmaking, webdesign, software development, game design and industrial design.

When I'm not coding, I'm playing video games, watching movies and 3d printing stuff. I like to play strategy, survival and FPS games. I have watched thousands of movies. Before working with games I was working with video and I wanted to be a movie director. I have directed lots of short movies and wrote some movie scripts.

My name is James Peret, and I'm a designer, programmer and filmmaker from from São Paulo, Brazil.

I live in a remote place near the big city and I like to spend my time creating things. In the past few years I have been working with programming systems using node.js and designing games with Unity3d.

During the last 20 years I have worked in many different types of projects. I have worked with video editing, filmaking, webdesign, software development, game design and industrial design.

When I'm not coding, I'm playing video games, watching movies and 3d printing stuff. I like to play strategy, survival and FPS games. I have watched thousands of movies. Before working with games I was working with video and I wanted to be a movie director. I have directed lots of short movies and wrote some movie scripts.

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