# James Peret Website 2020 A new updated version of James Peret's landing page, portfolio and blog. Before there was only a landing page and a separete blog. Now everything is one system. Based on [Hexo](http://hexo.io) for building the static website. ### To Do's - [ ] Website Tasks - [x] Better home page posts - [ ] Projects page header - [ ] Projects page list view - [ ] Featured projects button - [x] **About page content** - [x] **Add nav links to home page header** - [ ] Filter projects using URL parameters - [ ] Project action links button in card and list view - [x] Disqus comments - [x] Syntax highlight - [ ] Tags and category links - [ ] Tag list filter button in projects page - [x] Move video resizing script outside of page body - [x] **Responsive fixes** - [x] **Mix panel tracking** - [x] **Favicon** - [ ] Lower card height in mobile - [ ] Change project search text from "Add Tag" to "Search" - [x] System Tasks - [x] **Don't copy projects with missing requirements** - [x] **Thumbnail and hero images are stored in project folder** - [x] **Publish upload script** - [x] **Contact form sends email** - [x] **Screenshot thumbnail resizing** - [x] **Project downloadable files** - [x] redirect to jamesperet.com - [x] **video link test requirement** - [x] **SEO basics** - [x] **Merge mixpanel analytics data** *jamesperet-landing-page* and *j1x-blog* to *jamesperet-website* - [x] Fix post URLs (remove date) - [x] Singup/Login to Heroku - [ ] Update Content - [ ] Add Lifeless Biomachine videos - [ ] Lifeless Biomachine description - [x] Cyberpunk Detective files - [ ] Cyberpunk Detective description - [ ] Riverão Website description - [ ] Polyphonic Ctrl description - [ ] Polyphonic Ctrl Demo *Demo was hosted in Heroku and no longer exists.* *Upload project files to Heroku* - [ ] AHA project description - [ ] Phenomena description - [ ] Aurora do Pilantra description - [x] Fix star-fighter project data - [x] Upload Aurora do Pilantra files to S3 - [ ] Back2Black description - [ ] Acil Weber description - [ ] Caixa viajem no tempo description - [ ] Talento não apreciado description - [ ] Jordival no mundo do Metal description - [ ] O violador description - [ ] Istar Uours description - [x] Rebel Elite hero image - [x] Rebel Elite screenshots - [x] Rebel Elite mac app - [ ] BattleScape hero image - [ ] BattleScape screenshots - [ ] Add project vertentes.tv - [ ] Add project whois-server - [ ] Add project auto-video - [ ] Add project sozinho - [ ] Add project o-outro - [ ] Add project alo - [ ] Fix solar-wave project data - [x] Add project Julgamento Absurdista - [x] Add project Anarco-experimentalismo - [x] Fix Vinheta Lav video embed - [x] Add project Undead Earth - [x] Fix project CUB ### Extras - [ ] Spell checker - [ ] Couch mode view - [ ] Timeline view - [ ] Large list view - [ ] Subprojects - [ ] Video thumbnails - [ ] Betabot integration - [ ] Date period filter in projects - [ ] Linked blog posts in projects - [ ] Linked projects in blog posts - [ ] Hover over *time ago* and show actual date #####