_variables.styl 1.5 KB

  1. // Config
  2. support-for-ie = false
  3. vendor-prefixes = webkit moz ms official
  4. // Colors
  5. color-default = #555
  6. color-grey = #999
  7. color-border = #ddd
  8. color-link = #258fb8
  9. color-background = #eee
  10. color-sidebar-text = #777
  11. color-widget-background = #ddd
  12. color-widget-border = #ccc
  13. color-footer-background = #262a30
  14. color-mobile-nav-background = #191919
  15. color-twitter = #00aced
  16. color-facebook = #3b5998
  17. color-pinterest = #cb2027
  18. color-google = #dd4b39
  19. // Fonts
  20. font-sans = -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont,
  21. "Segoe UI", "Roboto", "Oxygen", "Ubuntu", "Cantarell",
  22. "Fira Sans", "Droid Sans", "Helvetica Neue",
  23. sans-serif
  24. font-serif = Georgia, "Times New Roman", serif
  25. font-mono = "Source Code Pro", Consolas, Monaco, Menlo, Consolas, monospace
  26. font-icon = FontAwesome
  27. font-icon-path = "fonts/fontawesome-webfont"
  28. font-icon-version = "4.0.3"
  29. font-size = 14px
  30. line-height = 1.6em
  31. line-height-title = 1.1em
  32. // Header
  33. logo-size = 40px
  34. subtitle-size = 16px
  35. banner-height = 300px
  36. banner-url = "images/banner.jpg"
  37. sidebar = hexo-config("sidebar")
  38. // Layout
  39. block-margin = 50px
  40. article-padding = 20px
  41. mobile-nav-width = 280px
  42. main-column = 9
  43. sidebar-column = 3
  44. if sidebar and sidebar isnt bottom
  45. _sidebar-column = sidebar-column
  46. else
  47. _sidebar-column = 0
  48. // Grids
  49. column-width = 80px
  50. gutter-width = 20px
  51. columns = main-column + _sidebar-column
  52. // Media queries
  53. mq-mobile = "screen and (max-width: 479px)"
  54. mq-tablet = "screen and (min-width: 480px) and (max-width: 767px)"
  55. mq-normal = "screen and (min-width: 768px)"