_config.yml 477 B

  1. # Header
  2. menu:
  3. Home: /
  4. rss: /atom.xml
  5. # Content
  6. excerpt_link: Read More
  7. fancybox: true
  8. # Sidebar
  9. sidebar: right
  10. widgets:
  11. - category
  12. - tag
  13. - tagcloud
  14. - archive
  15. - recent_posts
  16. # display widgets at the bottom of index pages (pagination == 2)
  17. index_widgets:
  18. # - category
  19. # - tagcloud
  20. # - archive
  21. # widget behavior
  22. archive_type: 'monthly'
  23. show_count: false
  24. # Miscellaneous
  25. google_analytics:
  26. gauges_analytics:
  27. favicon: /favicon.png
  28. twitter:
  29. google_plus:
  30. fb_admins:
  31. fb_app_id: