using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine; using Sirenix.OdinInspector; using UnityEngine.UI; namespace KairoEngine.Core.ConfigOptions { [CreateAssetMenu(fileName = "ScreenResolutionConfigOption", menuName = "KairoEngine/ConfigOptions/Screen Resolution", order = 1), HideMonoScript] public class ScreenResolutionConfigOption : ConfigOptionBase { [PropertyOrder(10)] public int defaultResolutionIndex; [PropertyOrder(11), ListDrawerSettings(ShowPaging = false), PropertySpace(4,4)] public List resolutionList; [PropertyOrder(12), TextArea(), HideLabel, PropertySpace(0, 4)] public string description; private int currentResolutionIndex; private bool showDebug = false; public override ConfigOptionUiData GetUiData() { var options = new List(); for (int i = 0; i < resolutionList.Count; i++) { options.Add(resolutionList[i].title); } var dropdownData = new ConfigOptionUiData.DropdownData(currentResolutionIndex, options); return new ConfigOptionUiData(title, description, dropdownData); } public override void LoadValue(bool debug) { currentResolutionIndex = PlayerPrefs.GetInt(id, defaultResolutionIndex); showDebug = debug; ApplyConfig(); //if(debug) Debug.Log($"{title} changed to {resolutionList[currentResolutionIndex].title}."); } public override void SetDefaultValue() { currentResolutionIndex = defaultResolutionIndex; PlayerPrefs.SetInt(id, currentResolutionIndex); ApplyConfig(); } public override void SetValue(ConfigOptionData data, bool save = false) { PlayerPrefs.SetInt(id, data.intValue); currentResolutionIndex = data.intValue; ApplyConfig(); if(save) PlayerPrefs.SetFloat(id, currentResolutionIndex); } private void ApplyConfig() { Resolution res = resolutionList[currentResolutionIndex].ToResolution(); if(Screen.currentResolution.ToString() != res.ToString()) { Screen.SetResolution(res.width, res.height, Screen.fullScreen, res.refreshRate); if(showDebug) Debug.Log($"Changing resolution to {res.ToString()}"); } else if(showDebug) Debug.Log($"Current resolution is already set to {res.ToString()}"); } [Button("Apply Default"), PropertyOrder(13), ButtonGroup("Actions")] private void ApplyDefaultConfig() { currentResolutionIndex = defaultResolutionIndex; ApplyConfig(); } [Button("Reset Resolution List"), PropertyOrder(14), ButtonGroup("Actions")] private void SetResolutions() { resolutionList.Clear(); var resolutions = FilteredResolutions(); for (int i = 0; i < resolutions.Length; i++) { var res = resolutions[i]; resolutionList.Add(new ResolutionData(res.ToString(), res.width, res.height, res.refreshRate)); } } private Resolution[] FilteredResolutions() { Resolution[] resolutions = Screen.resolutions; List filtered = new List(); for (int i = 0; i < resolutions.Length; i++) { if(resolutions[i].refreshRate == 59) continue; if(resolutions[i].refreshRate == 50) continue; if(resolutions[i].refreshRate == 30) continue; if(resolutions[i].refreshRate == 29) continue; if(resolutions[i].refreshRate == 25) continue; if(resolutions[i].refreshRate == 24) continue; if(resolutions[i].refreshRate == 23) continue; filtered.Add(resolutions[i]); } return filtered.ToArray(); } [System.Serializable] public class ResolutionData { [ReadOnly, HideLabel] public string title; [HideInInspector] public int width; [HideInInspector] public int height; [HideInInspector] public int refreshRate; public ResolutionData(string title, int width, int height, int refreshRate) { this.title = title; this.width = width; this.height = height; this.refreshRate = refreshRate; } public Resolution ToResolution() { var res = new Resolution(); res.width = this.width; res.height = this.height; res.refreshRate = this.refreshRate; return res; } } } }