# 📦 KairoEngine.Core v0.2.5 This contains the base code that other packages will use. It includes code for the module system, event system and common interfaces. ### 🛑Required packages - ``Sirenix.OdinInspector`` - `zenject` - `UniRX` - `QFSW.MOP2` ### 🔷Components - ``GameInstaller`` ### 📑Templates - **Game Config** – Scriptable object template that holds data about modules and the game. Each game will have its own game config with different module settings. ### 📄Namespaces - `KairoEngine.Core` - `KairoEngine.Core.ModuleSystem` ### 📄Changelog ##### v0.2.7 - Added Tag Attribute - Added Layer Attribute ##### v0.2.6 - Added the Cronometer utility - Added IMapDataGenerator interface - Added HideInspectorDerivedAttribute - Fixed bug in TimeToString utility function ##### v0.2.5 - Updated the ResolutionOptions to include all types of displays with a minimum size ##### v0.2.4 - Added ExecuteRealTimeNotDisposable to Timer class - Added String Boolean Generic Event ##### v0.2.3 - Fixed IconFoldoutGroup icon path - Added OpenUrlGameAction ##### v0.2.2 - Fixed WaitGameAction icon path to find the file instead of using a fixed path - Added FindFileByName function to Utilities - Fixed bug in IconFoldoutGroupAttributeDrawer icon path ##### v0.2.1 - Added TriggerGenericEvent GameAction ##### v0.2.0 - Upgraded GameModule system ### 🎈Back Log - [ ] Game State register and check Ex: Check if game is paused, Check if player input is allowed... - [ ] Move ``UiInputBlocker`` from the **UI** package to this package.