using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine; using KairoEngine.Core.GameActions; using KairoEngine.Stockpiles; using Sirenix.OdinInspector; namespace KairoEngine.GameTools.Selectables { /// /// Represents an action that is contained in a component implementing the SelectableObject interface. /// [System.Serializable] public class SelectableObjectAction { [FoldoutGroup("@title")] public string title = "New SelectableObjectAction"; [FoldoutGroup("@title")] public bool showAction = true; [FoldoutGroup("@title")] public Sprite icon; [FoldoutGroup("@title")] public string description; [FoldoutGroup("@title"), PropertySpace(1, 1)] public List cost = new List(); [FoldoutGroup("@title"), InlineProperty, HideLabel] public GameActionsController actions; } }