889 B

📦 KairoEngine.Grids v0.1.6

🛑Required packages

  • KairoEngine.Core


  • KairoEngine.Grids

Class Reference

  • Grid

  • GridObject

  • GridBuildingSystem

  • PlacedObjectType

  • PlacedObject

  • PlacebleObjectRule

    • Rules:

    • EmptyCell - All cells in grid have no PlacedObjects

    • HasConnector - Both parts need to have a valid connector between two cells.

    • TargetCellHasObject - The cell represented by a position offset needs to have a certain PlacedObject

    • TargetEmptyIsCell -The cell represented by a position offset needs to be empty.

    • CellInRadius - A specified PlacedObject needs to exist in a certain radius

    • EmptyArea - All cells in a radius need to be empty

    • ?CellOcupied - The cells in the grid are ocupied by a specific PlacedObject

  • PlacebleObjectRulesGroup
