# 📦 KairoEngine.SteamIntegration.v0.2.10 Kairoengine Steam Integration library. ### 🛑Required packages - `KairoEngine.Core` - `Sirenix` - `Facepunch` ### 📄Namespaces - `KairoEngine.SteamIntegration` ### 📄Changelog ##### v0.2.10 - Fixed Steam stats sync issue with Statistics System ##### v0.2.9 - Fixed a bug in Steam Manager and another in Stats ##### v0.2.8 - Changed Steam stat to first broadcast stats and then listen for changes ##### v0.2.7 - Fixed bug in get steam stat function ##### v0.2.6 - Updated Steam manager to load submodules after inverval ##### v0.2.5 - Update Steam stats to broadcast initial events 1 second into the future ##### v0.2.4 - Updated Steam achievements events ##### v0.2.3 - Fixed steamdStat not found error ##### v0.2.2 - Added steamStatId to SteamworksStatData ##### v0.2.0 - Added Statistics integration - Added GameModule system - Added Achievements integration ### 📙Modules ### 🔷Components ### ✔Getting Started ### 🧰Unity Functions ### 🎈Back Log