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KairoEngine.UI Change Log


  • Refactored ColumnMenuUI into an extra base class called MenuUI. Both classes work the same, but the column can render submenus.
  • Imported the legacy ActivityMessage, ActivityMessageController and ActivityMessageUI from the Max Raider project. Then assets where refactored to use the new UI namespace.
  • Created UiManager methods to register, unregister, show and hide interface elements. Also created the UiSystemElementExample that implements the IUiSystemElement interface.
  • Removed the prefabs FloatingValuesPrefab and the FloatingHealthBarPrefab. Also removed references to them in the UiSystemModule loader. Both of this assets depended on code from the CharacterSystem module.
  • Removed the Dialogue folder containing the DialogueManager and SpeechBuble scripts. They require the NodeCanvas package which should not be require for this package.
  • Removed old dependencies in runtime assembly file


  • Initial version from Max Raider.